#womenindigital #allthingsdigital on January 18th, 2012, will be the largest internet protest in history. Thousands of sites across the internet, including some of the biggest in the world, will be blacking out and directing people to contact Congress to kill the web censorship bill -#SOPA and #PIPA. #SOPASTRIKE

Posted on January 18, 2012


Global  social media #endusers and women in the digital sector #womenindigital are fighting for #enduser rights for protected tools, to protect innocent children & women on the internet, the reason is simple, so we can have the freedom to shout out & VOICE, during digital social media innovative dialogues & forums, without being stopped by the powers to be. Since 2004 I have been on the mission to find end user protected tools critical thinkers & ethical change leaders have been working together to find  cloud secure solutions for my digital learning projects, end users who are bridging the cyber divide. ALL our opinions MUST count @women4digital.

Women in digital sector, who work in the digital innovation & secure sector @mymulticast blog shows support  from  Canada & Spain in regards to (see SOPA links below ). I work in the digital cloud sector and digital secure sector, both sectors do have some view points from an end user point. My story is simple, I  have been fighting the fight  for secure digital inclusion with end users protected tools (mainly for the work I am doing globally with innocent children, youth & women). My fight for end user protected tools is simple, to develop my own digital projects and at the same time protect those who may not have the voice or freedom to voice when it comes to information vs news, and bringing awareness to adopting best practice tools for education within the new media sector.

HEY ALL OUR opinions do count mainly for end users for protected tools & digital change towards innovation to include all globally.

In regards to SOPA follow the thread below.

Today I show support not to stop innovation.


On the Tuesday 24th January 2012, the US Senate will vote on the internet censorship bill.

Whilst it is an American law, it has far reaching repurcusions for the web as a whole –  anti-SOPA Blackout day, takes place globally.

There are many companies against SOPA, such as Google, Reddit, Facebook, Twitter, Wikipedia, and today I am lending my voice & weight to the argument by taking a view point that I work in the digital sector and we as end users have rights to be heard  on the internet and as end users who are working towards safety, digital innovation and finding solutions to  together innovate and include those who are crossing the digital divide in a safe and secured way.

My & your opinions do matter  when it comes to the digital divide and the internet and no matter what country we all are from,  we all count  when it comes to digital innovation and all our opinions as end users do matter and count, be it small or big, child or adult in matters in every way. Understanding and rethinking around this situation for  #SOPA #PIPA, how it affects me &  effects you as end users,  please think again. Although this issue is in the USA, we who are from different countries need to  have a voice if we are on many of the social sites and internet.

Watch the video below, or use use the form below, provided by many groups to force many in power & who are politicians to take notice.

Thank you Ashie Hirji via @mymulticast  – HEY all points of views count, when we are all bridging the divide in a safe way and fighting also for innocent end users safety on the internet by finding a solution for protected tools, I work in the digital sector, and we are working towards freedom for information and news on the internet in the social media sector.

Message from Fight  For The Future

VIDEO. http://youtu.be/HGEUhCfQ464


Message from Fight  For The Future January 18th, 2012, will be the largest internet protest in history. Thousands of sites across the internet, including some of the biggest in the world, will be blacking out and directing people to contact Congress to kill the web censorship bill, SOPA and PIPA. We want to get you involved.

Join  on the historic day by blacking out your site. Copy the code below and paste it into the header of your theme (WordPress users: use the SOPA Strike plugin) to black your site out in protest of SOPA/PIPA. It will activate automatically on Jan. 18th, displaying this page and directing visitors to contact Congress, and will deactivate at the end of the day.

<script type="text/javascript">var a=new Date,b=a.getHours()+a.getTimezoneOffset()/60;if(18==a.getDate()&&0==a.getMonth()&&2012==a.getFullYear()&&13<=b&&24>=b)window.location="http://sopastrike.com/strike";</script>

In just 7 days, the Senate will vote on forever altering the free and open internet by instituting a new regime of extra-judicial, corporate-led website takedowns. This is a fundamental fight about who has power in society — the people with the means to communicate freely or the governments and corporations that feel threatened.

For the full state of play on the censorship bills, take a look at this infographic we’ve put together. Click here. The clock is ticking, and we’re still 35 senators short of the number we need to kill the bill.

If you’re on Facebook or Twitter, please use these links to spread the word about the “Fight For The Future  “https://www.facebook.com/pages/Fight-For-The-Future/283481148338685

On Google   Google End Piracy, Not Liberty


The DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) allows the website to take down the content within a specific period of time after receiving a DMCA notice without penalty and this is what is stated on the Google site http://support.google.com/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=1386831


Huffington Post reports a small victory against SOPA (H.R. 3261 “Stop Online Piracy Act”) and it’s counterpart in the Senate, PIPA (“Protect IP Act”), claiming that President Obama will not support the current legislation. A statement released on behalf of the Obama Administration states, “… we will not support legislation that reduces freedom of expression, increases cybersecurity risk, or undermines the dynamic, innovative global Internet. Any effort to combat online piracy must guard against the risk of online censorship of lawful activity and must not inhibit innovation by our dynamic businesses large and small.”

On Jan. 4 via  @bloombergNew and on Bloomberg website Emily Chang  interviewed Christopher Dodd, chairman of the Motion Picture Association of America and former U.S. Senator from Connecticut, Bloomberg video http://bloom.bg/w5t9HO  Dodd Discusses & talks about the Stop Online Piracy Act. He speaks with Emily Chang on Bloomberg Television’s “Bloomberg West.” (Source: Bloomberg) 

How will this effect Canada? #allthingsdigital  https://mymulticast.wordpress.com/wp-admin/post.php?post=1072&action=edit&message=1

Why do technology companies oppose the bills?

– Technology companies say the legislation would undermine an existing law called the Digital Millennium Copyright Act and its “safe harbour” provisions for websites and others that act in good faith in their handling of third-party content on their sites. Content companies say the bills simply fill gaps in the DMCA and wouldn’t affect the safe harbour provisions.

SO What Is SOPA? -according to  @Gizmodo http://gizmodo.com/5877000/what-is-sopaSOPA

According to LATIMES – blackout shows little hope of peace with Hollywood http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/entertainmentnewsbuzz/2012/01/sopa-blackout-shows-little-hope-of-peace-with-hollywood.html

SOPA blackout: Bills lose three co-sponsors amid protests http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/technology/2012/01/sopa-blackout-sopa-and-pipa-lose-three-co-sponsors-in-congress.html via @latimestech

SOPA blackout: Who’s gone dark to protest anti-piracy bills? http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/technology/2012/01/sopa-blackout-who-is-joining-the-protest.html via @latimestech

Andy Greenberg, with Forbes Staff IT security journalist states: SOPA’s Creator Aims To Resuscitate Bill After Protest Blackout – Forbes http://onforb.es/zPkP7y or http://www.forbes.com/sites/andygreenberg/2012/01/17/sopas-creator-aims-to-resuscitate-bill-after-protest-blackout/?partner=following_topic_daily

A number of high-profile websites, including Wikipedia and Reddit, have shut down Wednesday to protest proposed anti-piracy legislation, and some experts say that nonprofits could benefit from joining the “blackout.”

According to  @huffingtonpost  The SOPA Strike is protesting the House’s Stop Online Piracy Act, a bill that aims to put a stop to selling pirated or counterfeit goods. While the bill would protect movie studios and record labels, websites accused of copyright infringement could get shut down with neither a trial nor a traditional court hearing.
Experts say that these bills may impose suffocating costs and censorship, to which nonprofits would not be immune. For more information & video click” How SOPA Anti-Piracy Bill Could Affect Nonprofits http://huff.to/xbXikt

According to LATIMES Google says 4.5 million people signed anti-SOPA petition today http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/technology/2012/01/google-anti-sopa-petition.html

Russia Today posted an interview with a UK journalist “Internet Piracy -SOPA”  & world’s most popular online encyclopedia, Wikipedia blackout strikes for the aim at protecting the Internet & leading online censorship. Wikipedia community,  Wikimedia foundation decided on a global blackout of the English version of the website for 24 hours on January 18.  Here is the video of the interview and the journalist point of view. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E_XBgig_ZQM.

Derek Broes has contributed a clear undertstanding of  “Why Should You Fear SOPA and PIPA? via @forbes http://www.forbes.com/sites/derekbroes/2012/01/20/why-should-you-fear-sopa-and-pipa/

On a final rant here: #womenindigital in my opinion, as a women in the digital sector, I believe women in strong position,  need to support other up coming digital women working in the digital sector. We women need to look at how SOPA will effect our business &  many other women working in the tech sector globally, especially those of us working in the digital sector. My focus  since 2004 has been, to find solutions for end user protected tools within the digital cloud security for new media sector mainly for my own digital learning  projects.  catch my view points about end user driving force when it comes to cyber digital reveolution. https://mymulticast.wordpress.com/2012/01/24/sopa-pipa-womenindigital-opinion-and-point-of-view/?preview=true   Ashie Hirji @mymulticast  tech activist


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